Application Criteria
Daytrippers is excited to support the many teachers and students across Canada who have identified a need for funding.
Our Trips Selection Criteria includes the following principles:
- This application is for a Publicly-funded School.
- This application is for kids enrolled in Grades 1-8. *We are not currently accepting applications for Kindergarten*
- The amount requested must not exceed $25/child to a maximum of $1500 CAD per application. We prioritize applications with lower costs, so that we can help as many children as possible.
- Schools must clearly demonstrate the need for financial assistance.
- Trip requests must align with ministry curriculum. When unclear, a member of our team may seek clarification from you.
- Trips taking place in June are not currently accepted.
- All trip reimbursement requests, including in-class, virtual, or off-site experiences, must be expressed in Canadian currency. Should your trip supplier charge in a foreign currency, please ensure that all receipts/invoices include the Canadian dollar equivalent paid.
- Daytrippers reserves the right to adjudicate all applications at its sole discretion, notwithstanding the above criteria.
Please Note: All reimbursements will be issued to the School – Daytrippers is unable to issue reimbursements to personal accounts. In the event that a Teacher/Applicant has paid for a trip with their personal accounts or credit cards, it is the School’s responsibility to reimburse the Teacher/Applicant prior to or upon receiving reimbursement from Daytrippers.
When submitting your application, please be certain your contact information is correct: Daytrippers is unable to redistribute reimbursements once they have been sent.
Application Timelines
Please allow several weeks for the mail system’s potential delays before reaching out about the status of your reimbursement. Our mailboxes are manned by volunteers, and the extreme volume of inquiries may impact response times.

Before submitting an application, please review our Frequently Asked Questions. This will ensure your application is reviewed as quickly as possible!

Start Application
Once you have reviewed the dates and FAQs, please submit your request to Daytrippers! We will review your application per our stated criteria.

Still Have Questions?
We're happy to help if you have additional questions or need assistance regarding your application. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TRIP ID WITH ANY INQUIRY EMAIL. Please review our FAQs before submitting any inquiries.